Shipping & Return policy


Processing time

Normal delivery time within Europe is usually 2-4 working days. Due to the effects of the coronavirus, the current delivery may be delayed by a few days.

Same day shipment

Orders placed and paid between Monday and Friday before 14:00 will be shipped the same day. There is no shipping on weekends and holidays. However, it is possible that due to numerous orders, some packages will be shipped the next day instead of the same day.

Shipping service provider: DHL-Germany, UPS-Other

Shipping costs

We charge a flat shipping fee based on the country of delivery. The shipping fee is per package, each package can weigh up to 30kg. Our maximum package size is 65cm x 45cm x 45cm.


Weights kg


30 kg
10 €
30 kg
20 €
30 kg
20 €
30 kg
20 €
30 kg
30 €
30 kg
30 €
Zone 1
30 kg
40 €
Zone 2 
30 kg
44 €
Zone 3 
30 kg 
47 €

Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Czech RepublicSlovakiaIreland


Right of return

We thoroughly inspect our products for manufacturing defects before we ship them. However, items may still be damaged during shipping. Therefore, we only accept claims for items with manufacturing defects or damage that is not self-inflicted. If the item was damaged during use by the end user (your customer), we will not accept returns or exchanges. We are wholesalers, not retailers, and we are not responsible for end users.

When emailing us for defective or incorrectly shipped items, please include the following information in the email:

  • in the subject of the e-mail please enter your invoice number
  • please attach a picture of the damaged or incorrectly added item and the item number

Please note that damaged and defective items will only be handled between May Gem and our business customers. End users please contact the store or boutique where you purchased the items to request a return.

Promotional items cannot be returned or exchanged.

Once we have reviewed your request, we will send you a confirmation email.

We offer the options:
Refund of the money or delivery of a new replacement item with your next order. The money will be transferred back to the debited account within 7 working days.

If you have any further questions about our return policy, please email us at


The return costs are to be carried by the retailer. 
 We only accept returns from EU countries. We cannot accept returns from non-EU countries (e.g. UK, Switzerland), as additional customs duties and import VAT must be covered by the recipient (May Gem).